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Our acrylic glass plate formicariums for ants

Here you will find our acrylic glass plate formicariums for keeping ants. They are produced with prefabricated chambers, which are supposed to simulate the natural nest building of ants. Our formicariums from the PF Lab series are an exception. These are specially designed for research purposes, offer as much insight as possible and are produced with a practical division of the prefabricated chambers.

The sizes of the acrylic formicariums (S, M, L) do not refer to the external dimensions, but to the distance between the insides of the ant farm or the size of the holes to connect the farms and arenas (adapted to the size of different ant species).
S = 6mm for small species such as. Myrmica sp.
M = 10mm for medium types such as Lasius sp. and Formica sp.
L = 20mm for large species such as Camponotus sp.

ANTCUBE - PF 20 S - ant - precious wood
Adapter: connector 2x 6mm
The set consists of 38 parts.
Size: S
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